
Joel Gachomo

"The lessons in the book For Your Success are drawn from my own journey of continuous learning and my application of these principles to alter my results."

I am passionate about youth and human potential and believe that every person has a unique talent that need to exploited while still on earth. I am a believer that the only limitation that exist is only in our mind and that once we open up for opportunities and do what need to be done, we can achieve basically anything we can imagine.

Born 1975
Category Personal Growth
Language English, Swahili

Author's books

For Your Success


This book was written with the aim of making journey into a story that can help other who may be struggling in self-limitations or who may be wanting to fully realize their potential. I firmly believe that anyone who commits to reading this book will reap a positive rewards in all areas of their life. The book centers on holistic success as every area of our lives deserve to be fulfilled for us to have successful living.

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